Newcastle United 3-1 Everton | Instant Match Reaction

Newcastle United 3-1 Everton | Instant Match Reaction

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Presenters: Peter McPartland & Barry Cass
Video Editing: Mathew Lamb

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29 comentarios en “Newcastle United 3-1 Everton | Instant Match Reaction

  1. rmh032

    One thing I would say is that we looked just as bad as you earlier in the season and pretty much everyone thought we were definitely down. But our manager has had a few months to sort the team out and get his ideas across, plus the new signings we've made. That was the main difference Tuesday night imo. Think you just need a bit more time

  2. The Golfer

    How many times have we used the words “bottle” & “embarrassing” ??‍♂️

    We need legs in the middle. Look at what we’ve got! They can hardly walk never mind keep up with play.

    Also, Our medical team must be running out of beds!

  3. Gavin Cunningham

    Frank won't last long if he keeps playing 5 at the back and 2 holding mids just stops us going forward the ball his constantly in our own half fucking around shit passing from Keane to pickford to Holgate to Alan to Keane its shit.. Coleman Holgate Keane townsend gomes was pathetic tonight just put them in the under 23s or bench warmers… I honestly think Keane is the worst centre back we have ever had even worse than Alcaraz Williams kouldrop

  4. Simon Connor

    That `defence` scares the hell out of me throughout the entire game – always. The midfield was woeful last night. The attackers hardly got a kick. Lucky there are 3 teams worse than us in the league – or are there? I am not so sure after watching that amateur display – probably an insult to amateurs who can actually pass a football to one of their own team members.

  5. Curtis Mumford

    Either way we're all in it together brother man.
    If they can't show bottle on the pitch.
    We can show em how to do it together off it.
    Can't even do the apathy anymore,
    We're in it together.
    Thats what we got

  6. Joel Andersson

    There is a disease called "Everton diagnosis" which was discovered several years ago. I have it and No cure has been discovered yet. No vaccine or pills help. That's probably why I've been single for 30 years.

  7. William Yeoh

    Congrats to Newcastle for the win as morale boosting. As for Everton, the impact of early n previous poor investment finally emerged as team collapsed without a few key players in every department. Hope able to pull this through this season n Moshiri reset the squad after that as half the team required to be dispose.

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